Tuesday 7 June 2011

Structure of the Quantum Atom


klas kimia ari ni ak blaja bnde 2..
pekebende ntah..
ak pown x paham

setelah lme ak x studi, akhirnya hr ni ak duduk di meja blaja ak kt UM..(hari bersejarah bg ak)
semuanyer semata2 nk pahamkan p Orbitals
seb baek roomate ak ni pndai
bleh la ak tumpang blaja ngn die..hehe

tp ak sedar...x knla selame-lamenye ak nk bergntung arap kt roomate ak ni, O (bukan nama sebenar),
so, ak try blaja sndri...wat research sndri sal topik ni
alhamdulillah...ak phmla cket2...

walaupown ak x pndai cm owg len..tp ak caye..
kalo ak usaha lebih...ak pown leh achieve lbh dr owg len jgk
so, kuatkan smgt ea...
hari ni bru hari ke 2 kat pasum..
xkan nak give up dh
x Rock r!!!!

ni serba sedikit bnda yg ak blaja td..
nk share cket..

p orbitals

Not all electrons inhabit s orbitals (in fact, very few electrons live in s orbitals). At the first energy level, the only orbital available to electrons is the 1s orbital, but at the second level, as well as a 2s orbital, there are also orbitals called 2p orbitals.
A p orbital is rather like 2 identical balloons tied together at the nucleus. The diagram on the left is a cross-section through that 3-dimensional region of space. Once again, the orbital shows where there is a 95% chance of finding a particular electron.

ak copy cket je la...yg len 2 cri gOOgle sndri la ek..haha


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